Tips to Keep Your Personal Information Safe

You can be an active partner in preventing fraud by keeping your personal information safe.   Learn how to protect yourself from criminals who may try to steal your personal or financial information with these helpful tips. 

Choose unique passwords
Pick phrases that are easy for you to remember and add capital letters, numbers and symbols to bolster its strength. Update passwords every 90 days and avoid repeated passwords for different logins.

Use two-factor authentication when available
This safety measure sends a code to your phone or email for a two-step login process that ensures you’re the only person accessing your account and all pertaining sensitive information.

Avoid public Wi-Fi and computers
Avoid using public Wi-Fi and computers to access your banking app or any other account that can be susceptible to getting breached, like your email.
Sign up for alerts
Get notifications when a purchase above a certain dollar amount is made or whenever money is withdrawn from the account. 
Never give out personal information
Unless you’re certain that you’re communicating with a trusted company, do not give any sensitive information over the phone. It may be a phishing scam.
Avoid clicking links in suspicious text messages or landing pages 
It’s best to type out the whole URL of the website you’re logging on to and avoid clicking on links found in emails if you’re not sure who they’re from.
Protect your devices from attack
Always use strong passwords. Use security software such as antivirus protection and firewalls. Keep your operating system and browsers up to date since these updates can fix security issues.
Only download the official banking app
Only use our official German American Mobile Banking App downloaded from your Android or Apple app provider. Never download our app from an open source.



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